
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Goodbye Philadelphia

Well, we are officially out of our old house.  Settlement is occurring as we speak.  It was a hectic couple of weekends, but we finally got everything out.  Greg and I did one last walk-through of the house together yesterday and recounted some of our favorite memories.  It's bittersweet leaving the home in which we spent the first year of our marriage.

Our last meal as Philadelphians
Now we have to make sense of all of the boxes in my dad's house (where we are living until our house is finished) so we can live somewhat normally for the next month and a half.  We only brought about 7 or 8  boxes of stuff (clothes, toiletries, sheets and towels, etc) to my dad's so I was hoping to be able to just live out of the boxes instead of unpacking and then packing again, but boxes take up a lot of space!  We have them stored in my brother's old room for now, but this isn't going to work, so I think I'm going to have to do some cleaning out of drawers/closets so we can store our clothes at least. 

I don't know why I can't get this picture to stay rotated... you'll just have to tilt your  head to view it.
Everything in my and my brother's room has been sitting there untouched for at least 4 years (since I moved out), so theoretically I should be able to throw everything in a bag for goodwill, but I'm sentimental so I have to go through every single thing first.  So move #1 is not quite over yet!  This is giving me a little taste of what's to come with unpacking at the new house :/.

In new house news, I drove past our house on the way to my friend's last night and there was a wire hanging out of the other side of the front door now, so my front door light issue has been fixed!  I didn't even call PM about it yet (I lost his cell number so now I have to wait for him to call me again).  I was in a rush, so I didn't go inside but I'm excited to go this week to see if anything has been done on the interior.

In other, somewhat related house news, my cousins told me this weekend they are thinking of building in a Ryan community which is right across the street from our community!!!  I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to not get too excited in case it doesn't work out, but it would be so awesome if we were neighbors.  I told them to read all of your blogs for information!

1 comment:

  1. *colette* you are getting very close, before you know it you will be moving into your new home. I usually do the same thing and walk through the house to reflect on memories to make way for all the new memories.


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